The Diesel Engine 2nd Edition 2022 Commercial Vehicle Technology by Michael Hilgers. Most of the topics covered in this booklet can be readily understood with the aid of a little common sense and some school math. The chapter on Thermodynamics must inevitably contain quite a few formulas. However the other chapters do not refer back to the information in the Thermodynamics chapter, so the reader who is intimidated by all the formulas can set it aside for reading at a later date, or skip it altogether. Of course, it is impossible to describe the diesel engine in all its details in the space of a general booklet such as this. As a subject, the diesel engine would quite rightly fill entire libraries. The author’s intention with this booklet is to help the reader gain a general idea of which aspects are important for Diesel engines in commercial vehicles.
The Contents of The Diesel Engine 2nd Edition
- Introduction to Engines
- Diesel Fuel and Air
- The Mechanics of the Engine
- The Valve Train and the Gear Train
- Handbook of Diesel Engines
- Integrating the Engine in the Vehicle
- The Engine Needs Fresh Air: The Air Intake
- The Fuel System and Fuel Injection
- The Exhaust System
- Exhaust Gas Turbocharger
- Exhaust Gas Treatment
- Emissions
- Advanced Engine Technology
- Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides.
- Some Thermodynamic Fundamentals
- Laws of Thermodynamics
- The Carnot Cycle.
- Comprehension Questions
- Abbreviations and Symbols.