Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines

Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines

Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines Management of Hazardous Chemicals Programme. Welcome to “Safe at Work: Handling Hazardous Chemicals.” This book is your guide to ensuring workplaces are safe and healthy, especially when dealing with dangerous chemicals. Chemicals are used extensively in industry. Many useful products such as paints, plastics, adhesives, detergents, and pharmaceuticals are derived from chemicals. However, it is …

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Guidelines for Process Safety Knowledge Management

Guidelines for Process Safety Knowledge Management

Guidelines for Process Safety Knowledge Management by CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety). This book contains guidelines for companies to improve their process safety performance through the implementation of a Process Safety Knowledge Management (PSKM) system. The characteristics of a PSKM system are defined and guidelines are shared on how to set up a PSKM system to improve overall Process …

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Welding For Dummies 2nd Edition

Welding For Dummies 2nd Edition

Welding For Dummies 2nd Edition by S. Robert Farnsworth (2021). Welding For Dummies helps you understand the basics of how welding works and lets you begin practicing several of the most prominent and useful welding techniques. The Writer digs into the details of specific welding processes such as stick, mig, tig, and more to show you how to practice those …

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Boiler Tube Failure Mechanisms

Boiler Tube Failure Mechanisms

Boiler Tube Failure Mechanisms Case Studies by Atanu Saha. This book provides an in-depth examination of boiler tube materials failure in specific situations, a vital component in both developing and engineering new solutions. It covers materials for steam boilers, the design life of components, different failure/ damage mechanisms of boiler tubes, and various case studies of boiler tube failure. Different …

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Making Small Workshop Tools Workshop Practice Series

Making Small Workshop Tools Workshop Practice Series

Workshop Practice Series 14 – Making Small Workshop Tools by Stan Bray. Making tools and workshop equipment forms a major part of the model engineering hobby for some, but for others, it is regarded as something of a chore, the manufacture of models being the prime concern. Frequently, however, there is a need for items that cannot always be purchased, …

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Resistance Spot Welding Applications for the Automotive Industry

Resistance Spot Welding Applications for the Automotive Industry

Resistance Spot Welding: Fundamentals and Applications for the Automotive Industry by Menachem Kimchi David H. Phillips. This book was written by two professors in the Welding Engineering program at Ohio State University in response to the rapidly increasing challenge of Resistance Spot Welding the many families of advanced materials in the modern automotive industry. The aggressive implementation of these materials …

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Modern Power Station Practice Electrical Systems and Equipment

Modern Power Station Practice Electrical Systems and Equipment

Modern Power Station Practice Electrical Systems and Equipment Volume D. A volume in British Electricity International Book Third Edition. The Book provides info about the electrical system and plant design and development and produces designs that meet operational needs in the most economical way and with the required level of reliability and performance. The Book also describes the solutions to …

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First Aid Manual Revised 10th Edition

First Aid Manual Revised 10th Edition

First Aid Manual Revised 10th Edition by BRITISH RED CROSS, the world’s largest provider of first aid. The manual serves as an indispensable guide in emergency preparedness and healthcare. this comprehensive manual has long been recognized as a vital resource for individuals seeking to acquire and enhance their first aid knowledge. In a world where unforeseen accidents and medical emergencies …

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Cooling Towers Principles and Practice

Cooling Towers Principles and Practice

Cooling Towers Principles and Practice Third edition by G. B. Hill. The objective of this edition, as with the first two, is to provide the reader with a better understanding of the theory and practice, so that installations are correctly designed and operated. As with all branches of engineering, new technology calls for a level of technical knowledge that becomes …

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Selecting Protective Gloves for work with Chemicals

Selecting Protective Gloves for work with Chemicals

Chemicals play a crucial role in various industries, from manufacturing to research. However, working with chemicals comes with inherent risks, making the selection of protective gloves a critical aspect of workplace safety. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of choosing the right gloves for chemical work and delve into essential factors that should guide your decision-making process. In …

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Manual Handling Safety Training

Manual Handling Safety Training

Manual handling refers to any activity that requires us to use force to lift, push, pull, carry, or move in any other way a moving or non-moving object. Each year a large percentage of Lost Time Injuries (that is injuries that resulted in one or more full shifts to be lost) were manual handling injuries.  This percentage represents a significant …

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Fire Safety for Very Tall Buildings

Fire Safety for Very Tall Buildings

(Society of Fire Protection Engineers series,) Society of Fire Protection Engineers, International Code Council, Fire safety for very tall buildings engineering guide (2022). This guide is not intended to replace the adopted building and fire codes of jurisdictions; rather, it is intended to complement such codes and serves as an added tool for all those involved in the design, review, …

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