Improving Steam System Performance

Improving Steam System Performance
Improving Steam System Performance

Improving Steam System Performance: A Sourcebook for Industry is a development of the Best Practices Program under the U. S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Industrial Technologies. This Sourcebook is designed to provide steam system users with a reference that describes the basic steam system components, outlines opportunities for energy and performance improvements, and discusses the benefits of a systems approach in identifying and implementing these improvement opportunities. The Sourcebook is divided into three main sections as outlined below.

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Section 1: Steam System Basics
Why Steam?
Steam System Operation

Section 2: Performance Improvement Opportunities
Systems Approach
Common Performance Improvement Opportunities
Best Practices Steam System Improvement Tools

Section 3: Programs, Contacts, and Resources
OIT and BestPractices
Directory of Contacts
Resources and Tools

List of Figures
Figure 1. Steam System Schematic
Figure 2. Firetube Boiler
Figure 3. Watertube Boiler
Figure 4. Thermostatic Steam Trap with a Bellows Element
Figure 5. Thermostatic Steam Trap with a Bimetallic Element
Figure 6. Inverted Bucket Steam Trap
Figure 7. Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap
Figure 8. Thermodynamic Disc Steam Trap
Figure 9. Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
Figure 10. Components of a Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger
Figure 11. Configuration of a Jacketed Kettle Heat Exchanger
Figure 12. Thermo compressor Operation
Figure 13. Condensate Receiver Tank and Pump Combination
Figure 14. Flash Steam Recovery Vessel

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