Steam Generator Design Presentation by the boiler and mechanical power. the presentation describes the Design Factors, Trouble-free service, and Ease and Safety of O&M. The ppt is about the general steam generator design from basic to advance. The design of all types of boilers like Stoker / Pulverized / F.B.C./ C.F.B.C. is generally discussed in the presentation.
The topics included in Steam Generator Design Presentation
- Main Elements of Power Plant
- Boiler Design Factors
- Boiler types and classification
- Main & Auxiliary Elements of Boiler
- What is to be designed?
- Types of water walls
- Conductors & Insulators
- Heating surface design
- Insulation & Heat Loss
- Fan sizing and selection of a fan
- Circulation of boiler
- Boiling Types
- Furnace design aspects
- Superheaters & Re heaters
- Fuel Oil Burner System – Fundamentals
- Light – up Protection and Safety
- Boiler Codes
- Design of Pressure parts
- Drum and drum internals
- Supports & Suspensions for SH & RH
- Pressure Parts Arrangement Comparison of 250 MW and 500 MW Boilers,