Modern Power Station Practice Turbines Generators

Modern Power Station Practice Turbines Generators
Modern Power Station Practice Turbines Generators Book Cover

Modern Power Station Practice Turbines Generators and Associated Plant Volume C by Hambling, P. and British Electricity International. The book provides details on the development and design of power station turbines and generators. It also explains the reasons behind every aspect of turbine development. The Third Edition of Modern Power Station Practice gives a detailed account of experience obtained in developing, designing, manufacturing, operating, and testing large turbine-generators in the last twenty years. The practice of testing and evaluation of modern plants has proceeded as before; the advance in analytical and computational techniques has how, ever meant that the application of this experience to future design and operation of large turbine-generator plant is of greater benefit than ever.
>>Modern Power Station Practice: Boilers and Ancillary Plant Volume B

The Contents of Modern Power Station Practice Turbines Generators

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