Air Conditioning Application And Design 2nd edition by W. Jones. This book is essentially a text on system design and application, primarily intended for the use of the more advanced student of building services at a university or technical college but with its content also offered for the practicing engineer. Knowledge of the basic, principles of air conditioning is therefore presupposed, notably in the topics of climate, comfort, psychrometry, fluid flow in ducts, fans, refrigeration, automatic controls, heat gains, and the determination of supply air quantity, and simple system design.
The Contents of Air Conditioning Application And Design
- Practical load Assessment
- System Characteristics
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Repair
- Applications
- Water Distribution
- Air Distribution
- HVAC Procedures and Forms Manual
- Plant Location and Space Requirements
- Applied Acoustics
- Economics
- HVAC Instant Answers
- Energy consumption
- Energy Conservation