Model Boilers and Boilermaking

Model Boilers and Boilermaking
Model Boilers and Boilermaking

Model Boilers and Boilermaking by Karl Noble Harris. It is more than 60 years since the late E. L. Pearce’s excellent little handbook ” Model Boilermaking ” first appeared; it went through many editions but has long been out of print. Naturally, in the interim, many developments have taken place. This book is in the nature of an attempt somewhat to expand the original book, and so far as possible to bring the subject up-to-date.

I have endeavoured to provide such information and statistical data, as will enable any intelligent model engineer to design a boiler to meet his own particular requirements, with a reasonable assurance that it will do the job for which it has been designed successfully and efficiently. Model boilers are, to a large extent, the Cinderellas of model engineering. I think that the principal reasons for this are twofold.
Firstly, there is a great paucity of information about them. Secondly, with the average model engineer, the engine usually comes first, and by the time this is finished and he gets around to making the boiler, he is, quite understandably, in a hurry to see results, and he decides that almost any old receptacle that will boil water and is reasonably steamtight will do.

  • General consideration
  • Constructional materials and their physical properties
  • Types of boilers
  • Practical methods of construction
  • Fuels and firing methods
  • Boiler mountings and fitting
  • Testing model boilers
  • Tube proportions Spacing and layout
  • Model locomotive type boilers
  • Boiler Designs

TABLES in this book

1. Properties of saturated steam.
2. Calorific values of various fuels.
3. Tube circumferences and surface areas, etc.
4. Gauges and weights of sheet copper.
5. Recommended screw threads for pipes and fittings.
6. Strength of round copper stays.
7. Safety valve sizes.
8. Properties of J .M.C. silver brazing alloys.
9. Boiler evaporation figures.


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