All Engineering Books

Industrial Refrigeration Handbook

Industrial Refrigeration Handbook

Industrial refrigeration handbook by Wilbert F. Stoecker. The book has one-stop coverage of the fundamentals, design, installation, and operation of industrial refrigeration systems. Detailing the industry changes caused by the conversion from CFCs to non-ozone-depleting refrigerants and by the development of microprocessors and new secondary coolants, Industrial Refrigeration Handbook also examines multistage compressors, evaporators, and condensers; piping, vessels, valves, and refrigerant controls; …

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International Steam Tables

International steam tables

International steam tables Properties of Water and Steam: International Steam Tables Based on the Industrial Formulation IAPWS-IF97 by Wolfgang Wagner. Tables, Algorithms, Diagrams, and CD-ROM Electronic Steam Tables All of the equations of IAPWS-IF97 including a complete set of supplementary backward equations for fast calculations of heat cycles, boilers, and steam turbines. Download ASME Steam Tables Compact Edition. Part A Equations for the …

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Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations

Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations

Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations by Tyler Gregory Hicks. Solve almost any mechanical engineering problem Book also Covers Power Generation, Plant and Facilities Engineering, Environmental Control, Design Engineering New Edition features methods for automatic and digital control, alternative and renewable energy sources, plastics in engineering design calculation. The Contents of Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations Power Generation Steam Condensing Systems And Auxiliaries Combustion …

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Industrial Hygiene Engineering

Industrial Hygiene Engineering

Industrial Hygiene Engineering Recognition, Measurement, Evaluation and Control Second Edition. This book provides an advanced level of study of industrial hygiene engineering situations. Emphasis is on the control of exposure to occupational health hazards. Primary attention is given to industrial ventilation, noise and vibration control, heat stress, and industrial illumination. Other engineering topics covered include industrial water quality, solid waste control, handling and …

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NDT Nondestructive Testing Handbook

Nondestructive Testing Handbook

NDT Nondestructive testing Handbook pdf. This book is the tenth and final volume of the second edition of the Nondestructive Testing Handbook (Nondestructive testing overview). The Nondestructive Testing Handbook series again demonstrates the dedication of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) to its missions of providing technical information and instructional materials and of promoting non-destructive testing technology as a …

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Textbook of electrical technology by BL Theraja vol 4

A Textbook of Electrical Technology volume 4 by theraja

A Textbook of electrical technology by BL Theraja vol 4. (Electronic devices and circuits) Table of contents Semiconductor Physics P-N Junction Diode Optoelectronic Devices Special Diodes DC power supply Regulated power supply Bipolar junction transistor Load lines and dc bias circuit Transistor equivalent circuit and models Single Stage Transistor Amplifier Multistage and feedback amplifier Feedback amplifier Field effect transistor Breakdown …

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Textbook of electrical technology by BL theraja vol 2

Textbook of electrical technology by BL theraja vol 2

Textbook of electrical technology by BL Theraja vol 2. (AC & DC Machine). The reference book for electrical engineers and students. Book Volume 2 includes the following chapters. The Contents of Electrical Technology by BL Theraja Vol 2 Elements or Electro-mechanical Energy Conversion D.C. Generator Armature Reaction and Commutation D.C. Motor Speed Control of D.C. Motors Testing or D.C. Machines …

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Textbook of Electrical Technology by BL Theraja vol 1

Textbook of electrical technology by BL theraja vol 1

Textbook of Electrical Technology by BL Theraja vol 1 (Basic Electrical Engineering SI units). Best book for electrical engineers and students. The book contains a lot of practical and theoretical knowledge for electrical engineers technicians and students of Electrical engineers. The Book has four volumes.  Volume2 – Volume3 – Volume4. It is a reference book. The table of Contents of Volume One is as …

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Combined Cycle Gas And Steam Turbine Power Plants

Combined Cycle Gas And Steam Turbine Power Plants

Combined Cycle Gas And Steam Turbine Power Plants by Rolf Kehlhofer. The book gives a comprehensive overview of the combined-cycle power plant from a thermodynamic, technical, and economical point of view. Combining two or more thermal cycles within a single power plant. In all cases, the intention was to increase efficiency over that of single cycles. Thermal processes can be …

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2018 ASHRAE Handbook Refrigeration SI Edition

2018 ASHRAE Handbook - Refrigeration SI Edition

Latest 2018 ASHRAE Handbook Refrigeration SI Edition pdf. Refrigeration is the process of moving heat from one location to another by the use of refrigerant in a closed cycle. Oil management; gas and liquid separation; subcooling, superheating, desuperheating, and piping of refrigerant liquid, gas, and two-phase flow are all part of refrigeration. Applications include air conditioning, commercial refrigeration, and industrial …

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Handbook for Gas Welders

Handbook for gas welders

Handbook for gas welders by Bureau of Indian Standards. This handbook deals with gas welding and allied processes done by hand. The term allied processes in addition to gas welding means braze welding, brazing, oxygen cutting, and such similar processes needing the application of a flame using fuel gas and oxygen or air. This handbook deals in simple language with …

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Handbook of Mechanical Design

Handbook of Mechanical Design

Handbook of Mechanical Design by George F. Nordenholt. A reference-book Other than the major portion of the chapter on materials and a few other pages that have been added to round out the treatment of certain subjects, all the material in this book appeared in past numbers of Product Engineering, although some of it has been condensed or re-edited. Very little of …

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