Fire Protection Engineering in Building Design

Fire Protection Engineering in Building Design
Fire Protection Engineering in Building Design Book Cover

Fire Protection Engineering in Building Design by Jane I. Lataille. A clear and concise reference guide on integrating fire protection design, Fire Protection Engineering in Building Design encompasses not only the basic information on the functions, design, and applications of fire protection systems; but also reveals how this information can and should be integrated with every other major engineering discipline. Protecting people, buildings and the environment from the impact of fire requires a comprehensive, systematic approach that includes the analysis of fire hazards as well as the design, installation, and maintenance of fire detection, suppression, and communications systems. Jane Lataille takes the reader beyond these basic issues and includes information on mitigating potential fire damage through proper design and construction of buildings, industrial processes, and utility systems. Through specific examples, the reader sees how fire protection engineering can be integrated with mechanical, electrical, structural, and chemical engineering. The book also includes a section on writing fire protection specifications as well as a comprehensive reference list. * Assure effective fire protection design through engineering * Avoid costly fire protection redesign * Effectively integrate fire protection features into project specifications.

The Contents of Fire Protection Engineering in Building Design

  • The Importance of Integrating Fire Protection Design
  • The Professional Society
  • What FPEs Do.
  • How Fire Protection Engineering Differs
  • Preventing and Protecting Against Fire
  • Reasons for Installing Fire Protection Systems
  • Fire Risk and safety law and its practical application
  • Protecting Assets.
  • Relating Design Features to Function.
  • Design Elements
  • Fire Science.
  • Design Fire Scenarios.
  • Other Design Considerations.
  • Examples of Performance-Based Design
  • Fire Safety Management Handbook 3rd edition
  • Prescriptive Codes.
  • Traditional Project Specifications

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