Machine Drawing 3rd Edition K.L. Narayana

Machine Drawing 3rd Edition K.L. Narayana
Machine Drawing 3rd Edition K.L. Narayana

Machine Drawing 3rd Edition by K.L. Narayana. This book deals with the fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, to begin with, and the authors introduce Machine Drawing systematically thereafter. This, in my opinion, is an excellent approach. This book is a valuable piece to the students of Mechanical Engineering at diploma, degree, and AMIE levels. This book acts as a valuable guide to the students of engineering. It also serves as a reference book in the design and draughting divisions in industries. This book acts almost as a complete manual in Machine Drawing.

The Content of Machine Drawing by K.L. Narayana

  • Introduction
  • Principles of Drawing
  • Textbook of Engineering Drawing
  • Orthographic Projections
  • Sectional Views
  • Screwed Fasteners
  • Keys, Cotters, and Pin Joints
  • Shaft Couplings
  • Pipe Joints
  • Pulleys
  • Riveted Joints
  • Welded Joints
  • Bearings
  • Chains and Gears
  • Jigs and Fixtures
  • Limits, Tolerances, and Fits
  • Surface Roughness
  • Workshop Practice Series
  • Blueprint Reading
  • Assembly Drawings
  • Part Drawings
  • Production Drawings
  • Computer-Aided Draughting

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