Essentials of Health and Safety at Work (HSE)

Essentials of Health and Safety at Work (HSE)
Essentials of Health and Safety at Work (HSE) Book Cover

Essentials of Health and Safety at Work (HSE) is the most popular guidance book Fourth edition, published in 2006. This book is a comprehensive guide that provides invaluable insights into how businesses can ensure that their employees work in a safe and healthy environment. The book covers a wide range of topics, from risk assessments to emergency procedures, and provides practical guidance on implementing the HSE guidelines. This book is of great value if you’re starting up or running a small business, preparing a company safety policy, or have been appointed as a trade union safety representative, but whatever line of work you’re in, it will help you run a safe and healthy workplace.

The Contents of Essentials of Health and Safety at Work (HSE)

  • Managing health and safety
  • The Workplace
  • Slips and trips
  • General fire safety
  • Work at height
  • Building work
  • Machinery safety
  • Plant and equipment maintenance
  • Gas- and oil-fired equipment
  • Pressurized plant and equipment
  • Workplace transport
  • Lifting and handling
  • Noise
  • Vibration
  • Electricity
  • Radiations
  • Harmful substances
  • Flammable and explosive substances
  • Managing health
  • Safe ways of working
  • Selection and training
  • Contractors and agency workers
  • Special groups of workers
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Accidents and emergencies

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