The purpose of this handbook is to provide an introduction to nuclear power reactors, the nuclear fuel cycle, and associated analysis tools, to a broad audience including engineers, engineering and science students, their teachers and mentors, science and technology journalists, and interested members of the general public. Nuclear engineering encompasses all the engineering disciplines that are applied in the design, licensing, construction, and operation of nuclear reactors, nuclear power plants, nuclear fuel cycle facilities, and finally the decontamination and decommissioning of these facilities at the end of their useful operating life. This handbook examines many of these aspects in its three sections.
The Contents of Nuclear Engineering Handbook
- Section I Introduction: Nuclear Power Reactors
- Historical Development of Nuclear Power
- Pressurized Water Reactors
- Boiling Water Reactors
- Heavy Water Reactors
- High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Thermal Reactors
- Mechanical Engineering Principles 3rd Edition
- Section II Introduction: Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- Nuclear Fuel Resources
- Uranium Enrichment
- Nuclear Fuel Fabrication
- Spent Fuel Storage
- Nuclear Fuel Recycling
- Radioactive Materials Transportation
- Handbook for Cogeneration and Combined Cycle Power Plants
- Section III Introduction: Related Engineering and Analytical Processes
- Risk Assessment and Safety Analysis
- Nuclear Safety of Nuclear Facilities
- Heat Transfer, Thermal Hydraulic, and Safety Analysis
- Thermodynamics and Power Cycles
- Economics of Nuclear Power