Beyond Safety Training Embedding Safety in Professional Skills

Beyond Safety Training Embedding Safety in Professional Skills
Beyond Safety Training Embedding Safety in Professional Skills

Beyond Safety Training Embedding Safety in Professional Skills by Springer. This book is the fruit of an original project launched by the Foundation for an Industrial Safety Culture, Fon CSI, at the beginning of 2015. It was inspired by a question about “professionalization in the field of industrial safety” put to FonCSI by its industrial partners. This book reflects the most precious viewpoints of experts from different disciplines and countries with experience in various industrial fields at the cutting edge of theories and practices in terms of safety. Chapter 1 is the introduction to the book. It questions the links between safety and ‘professionalization’ according to the following dialectic. ‘Ordinary safety’, means safety embedded in everyday industrial practices where the more professional one is in one’s dedicated duties, the safer one works.

The Contents of Beyond Safety Training

  • Safety: A Matter for ‘Professionals
  • A Practice-Based Approach to Safety as an Emergent Competence
  • Line Managers as Work Professionals in the Era of the Workplace
  • Captain Kirk, Managers and the Professionalization of Safety
  • A Critique from Pierre-Arnaud Delattre
  • A Supervisors Guide to Safety Leadership
  • Enhancing Safety Performance
  • Situated Practice and Safety as Objects of Management
  • Stories and Standards
  • Doing What Is Right or Doing What Is Safe
  • Industrial Perspective on the Seminar
  • Safety Culture and High-Risk Environments
  • How to Deal with the Contradictions of Safety Professional
  • Can Safety Training Contribute to Enhancing Safety
  • Training Design Oriented by Works Analysis
  • Safety and Behaviour Change
  • Power and Love

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