Job Hazard Analysis A Guide for Voluntary Compliance and Beyond

Job Hazard Analysis A Guide for Voluntary Compliance and Beyond
Job Hazard Analysis A Guide for Voluntary Compliance and Beyond Book Cover

Job Hazard Analysis A Guide for Voluntary Compliance and Beyond 2nd edition by James E. Roughton. This book methodically develops the risk assessment basis needed for ANSI/AIHA Z10 and other safety and health management systems. It is supported by numerous real-life examples, end of chapter review questions, sample checklists, action plans, and forms. The books include Safety Culture: An Innovative, Leadership Approach, Developing an Effective Safety Culture: A Leadership Approach, and Job Hazard Analysis and A Guide for Voluntary  Compliance and Beyond. and also a hands-on, comprehensive approach to build and enhance a job hazard analysis (JHA) process. The writer is convinced that JHA provides the critical link between risk assessment and an effective safety system.

The Contents of Job Hazard Analysis A Guide for Voluntary Compliance and Beyond

  • Why Focus on the Job Hazard Analysis Process
  • Understanding Human Performance in the Job Hazard Analysis Process
  • Introducing JHA into the Organization
  • Safety With Machinery By John Ridley and Dick Pearce
  • Leadership Team and Employee Participation
  • Preparing for the Hazard and Risk Assessment
  • Hazard Analysis and Review of Associated Risk
  • Enhancing the Safety Management System in Managing Risk
  • Defining Associated Risk
  • The Essential Manager’s Handbook
  • Planning for the Job Hazard Analysis
  • Breaking the Job Down into Individual Components
  • Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together
  • Assessing Training Needs
  • Basic Elements of a Safety System
  • Occupational Safety and Health fundamental principles and philosophies
  • Becoming a Curator for the Safety System
  • Effectively Managing a JHA Process using Six Sigma

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