Tag Archives: Health and Safety

Introduction to health and safety at work 6th edition

Introduction to health and safety at work 6th edition

Introduction to Health and Safety at Work 6th edition for the NEBOSH National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety. The National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety is the most widely held health and safety qualification of its kind in the UK with over 175,000 people having gained the qualification since it was launched in 1989. The book …

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Easy guide to health and safety

Easy guide to health and safety

Easy guide to health and safety by Liz Hughes and Phil Hughes. This book looks at the workplace and explains how you can manage and control things so that people are protected and you, as a manager, employer, self-employed or employee can comply with the law. It is about helping you to live and work free of injury and ill …

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Safety Professional Reference and Study Guide

Safety Professional Reference and Study Guide

Safety Professional Reference and Study Guide by W. David Yates. This book is written to assist you in achieving that ultimate designation as a safety professional. It includes such topics as History of the Safety Profession, Regulations, OSHA Record Keeping, Particulates and Gases, Toxicology, Industrial Hygiene, Ventilation, Noise, Illumination, Biological Hazards, Thermal Stressors, Personal Protective Equipment, Math Review, Statistics for the Safety Professional, …

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A to Z Health and Safety Book

A to Z Health and Safety Book

The A to Z Health and Safety Book by Jeremy W Stranks. The book is for public health inspectors (environmental health officers) and HSE Professionals. The book describes A to Z topics With over 100 entries arranged in an accessible index format about Health and Safety. This book will prove a constant source of reference and assurance to health and …

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Safety With Machinery By John Ridley and Dick Pearce

Safety With Machinery

Safety With Machinery By John Ridley and Dick Pearce. This book sets out to simplify and clarify how those obligations can be met while remaining sane and economically viable. It explains the principles involved in the protection techniques and the methods of application of safety equipment and gives the engineer sufficient basic information to enable a rational and reasonable selection …

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Managing your shiftwork

Managing your shiftwork

  This book Managing your shiftwork has been produced to help people understand the nature of shiftwork and is designed to assist individuals in coping with this lifestyle. Everything in it has been extensively researched both inside and outside of the industry for shift workers and is based on the most up-to-date information available. The Contents of Managing your shiftwork book …

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The Health and Safety Handbook

The Health Safety Handbook

The Health Safety Handbook (a practical guide to health and safety law, management policies and procedures) by JEREMY STRANKS. Health and safety law is concerned with both the criminal and civil liabilities of employers towards their employees and to other persons who may be affected by their activities, such as the employees of contractors, visitors and members of the public. It takes …

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Electrical Safety in the Workplace

Electrical Safety in the Workplace

Electrical Safety in the Workplace. The Electrical Safety in the Workplace book aims to provide comprehensive on-site training to high-risk workers (i.e. skilled trades and maintenance workers) and management on the requirements of Sub Part S, and the prevention of serious injuries from electrical hazards at work sites. Participants will develop an understanding of the requirements of OSHA Sub Part …

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Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health

Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health

Lewis Dictionary of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health by Jeffrey W. Vincoli. Occupational and environmental safety and health disciplines are, indeed, separate functions. However, changes in the way corporate America does business have forced a continued divergence of the two professions. This development has created a drastic need for new, quick-reference sources of knowledge and information. The more complete …

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Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists Engineers and Managers

Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers and Managers.

Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers and Managers 8th edition. This book was written to fulfill the need for an up-to-date, practical teaching resource that focuses on the needs of modern safety and health professionals practicing in the workplace. It is intended for use in universities, colleges, community colleges, and corporate training settings that offer programs, courses, workshops, and …

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Learning from Accidents Book

Learning from Accidents

Learning from Accidents Third edition Book by Trevor Kletz. This book deals mainly with accident investigation and the need to look beyond the immediate technical causes for ways of avoiding the hazards and for weaknesses in the management system. The other book, as the sub-title indicates, shows how accidents are forgotten and then repeated, and suggests ways of improving corporate …

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Industrial Hygiene Engineering

Industrial Hygiene Engineering

Industrial Hygiene Engineering Recognition, Measurement, Evaluation and Control Second Edition. This book provides an advanced level of study of industrial hygiene engineering situations. Emphasis is on the control of exposure to occupational health hazards. Primary attention is given to industrial ventilation, noise and vibration control, heat stress, and industrial illumination. Other engineering topics covered include industrial water quality, solid waste control, handling and …

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